22. august 2011

My life is on my hands. I choose my own fait.

This pain hurts so much and it just wont go away. I woke up this morning but you were not here today, so i go back to sleep and pray for God. In my dreams forever you will stay,one day i will see you and touch your face
hold you in my arms in a happy place, but for now you are gone and you wont come back. And there is  nothing i can do. And it feels like big big mess inside me. 

You gave me a reason to lift my head . A
 reason to get up in the morning and get out of bed. You gave me the strength for my heart to beat, you gave me reason to smile, but now that your gone i feel so alone and weak. I don't wanna feel this way. And i don't know what happend. I wish i could change it all. I wish i could turn time back. Ther's so much inside but nothing left to say. And all i do is wondering how long in this game i will stay ? This pain hurts so much and it just wont go away. I woke up this morning but you were not here today, so i go back to sleep and pray for God. In my dreams forever you will stay,one day i will see you and touch your face
hold you in my arms in a happy place, but for now you are gone and you wont come back. And there is  nothing i can do. And it feels like big big mess inside me. 

Why am I the one they run to? Why Do I care? Why Is it they don't care?

Why cant someone for once take care of me, hold my head while I cry.

Why cant I just fall into the darkness that already has a hold on me ...